Set up Activepieces using Docker Compose for easy deployment - Ideal for personal and testing with SQLite3 and in-memory queue. For production (companies), use PostgreSQL and Redis, Refer to docker compose setup.

To get up and running quickly with Activepieces, we will use the Activepieces Docker image. Follow these steps:


You need to have Git and Docker installed on your machine in order to set up Activepieces via Docker Compose.


Pull Image and Run Docker image

Pull the Activepieces Docker image and run the container with the following command:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 -v ~/.activepieces:/root/.activepieces -e AP_QUEUE_MODE=MEMORY -e AP_DB_TYPE=SQLITE3 -e AP_FRONTEND_URL="http://localhost:8080" activepieces/activepieces:latest

Configure Webhook URL (Important for Triggers, Optional If you have public IP)

Note: By default, Activepieces will try to use your public IP for webhooks. If you are self-hosting on a personal machine, you must configure the frontend URL so that the webhook is accessible from the internet.

Optional: The easiest way to expose your webhook URL on localhost is by using a service like ngrok. However, it is not suitable for production use.

  1. Install ngrok
  2. Run the following command:
ngrok http 8080
  1. Replace AP_FRONTEND_URL environment variable in the command line above.


Please follow the steps below:

Before proceeding with the upgrade, it is always a good practice to back up your Activepieces data to avoid any potential data loss during the update process.

  1. Stop the Current Activepieces Container: If your Activepieces container is running, stop it using the following command:

    docker stop activepieces_container_name
  2. Backup Activepieces Data Directory: By default, Activepieces data is stored in the ~/.activepieces directory on your host machine. Create a backup of this directory to a safe location using the following command:

    cp -r ~/.activepieces ~/.activepieces_backup

Step 2: Update the Docker Image

  1. Pull the Latest Activepieces Docker Image: Run the following command to pull the latest Activepieces Docker image from Docker Hub:
    docker pull activepieces/activepieces:latest

Step 3: Remove the Existing Activepieces Container

  1. Stop and Remove the Current Activepieces Container: If your Activepieces container is running, stop and remove it using the following commands:
    docker stop activepieces_container_name
    docker rm activepieces_container_name

Step 4: Run the Updated Activepieces Container

Now, run the updated Activepieces container with the latest image using the same command you used during the initial setup. Be sure to replace activepieces_container_name with the desired name for your new container.

docker run -d -p 8080:80 -v ~/.activepieces:/root/.activepieces -e AP_QUEUE_MODE=MEMORY -e AP_DB_TYPE=SQLITE3 -e AP_FRONTEND_URL="http://localhost:8080" --name activepieces_container_name activepieces/activepieces:latest

Congratulations! You have successfully upgraded your Activepieces Docker deployment